
Jeni Bufford • Ventura, California

Mostly Mommyhood describes my life well. I have three children; Jonah is 12, Abbey 10, and Elie is 8. I mostly stay at home to be their mom, but I also teach a children’s choir, and I sometimes sing as classical soloist and get paid to do it! I guess this makes me a professional singer, but only rarely, and on my own terms. I am married to Brett, my college sweetheart and best friend.

I love to be domestic, at least I love the fun part of domesticity. I garden both flowers and vegetables in my suburban yard. I sew, when I have time. I make and can my own preserves and take care of my 5 chickens. As a family, we have decided to try to buy our food locally, within reason (I still take regular shopping trips to Costco, don’t get me wrong).

I am passionate about reading with my kids and love to serve at my local church through music and mission ministry.

When I was younger I often felt like I was observing, rather than living, life. I still feel that way a little, but not as much. Having children has forced me to change that, because every day with them is full and busy and new.


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